As a leading European multi-utility company, EPH is dedicated to transforming infrastructure for a sustainable future. EPH is a key player in Europe's transition to a net-zero future, delivering reliable and sustainable energy.

Our approach covers the entire energy value chain and serves key markets such as Germany, the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Italy, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. This includes activities from power and heat generation and distribution to innovative gas transmission and storage.

Read more about EPH.

EP NL Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct defines our standards of behavior, managed as a practical value for our day-to-day business, ensuring a good relationship with all our stakeholders.

The Code of Conduct defines how we treat each other, safety, our company property and company information. It also defines how we treat customers and business relations. The guidelines in this code of conduct are not without obligation; we expect all employees to comply with the rules.

With regard to EP NL employees our basic commitments include guaranteeing equal opportunities and avoiding all forms of discrimination towards existing or potential employees, creating healthy and safe working conditions for our employees, guaranteeing freedom of association and continuous training and talent development

In line with the Code of Conduct, our key commitments towards all our stakeholders include complying with all binding legal regulations and acting as a reliable and trustworthy partner, competing fairly and adhering to principles of transparent communication, reliable information and adequate risk management.

We are also committed to conducting our marketing activities in a responsible and fair manner, ensuring open dialog and security of sensitive customer data.

Concerning suppliers among key principles there is excellence, objectivity and encouragement of our suppliers to not only comply with existing laws and regulation, but also to adhere to principles similar to the ones we have implemented.

Finally, toward communities, we are mainly bound to minimize environmental impact of our activities, maintain appropriate environmental management standards, promote human rights through acknowledging the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact, and also consider social impact of our activities.