EP NL acknowledges that the constant business challenge in the area of asset integrity management is how to balance the designing, maintenance, improvement and replacement of assets throughout their life cycle (including managing of the degradation of assets) with the costs to business, in terms of finance, time, technical standards and resources.
The purpose of the Policy is to outline the principles and practices that govern decisions on asset management at EP NL to ensure that EP NL responsibly manages asset integrity risks across all facilities that we design, construct or operate and thus accomplishes its mission of providing high-quality products and services in a sustainable and safe environment.
The Policy applies to all assets fully owned by EP NL and all aspects of each asset, including design, construction, operation, maintenance and disposal. In addition, EP NL may rely on natural assets or other assets it does not own. Where operations are supported by these assets, we will work collaboratively with the asset owners and promote the principles outlined in this Policy.
EP NL is committed to ensure all employees and functions of EP NL are aligned with the principles of the Policy and to ensure assets are managed in a manner that maximizes benefits, reduces risk and provides satisfactory levels of service to customers in a safe and sustainable manner.