A battery stores energy and converts it into electricity when needed. Battery integration with solar and wind offers investment opportunities by reducing price risks and providing electricity balancing services. These sustainable and efficient systems optimise energy infrastructure and reduce the carbon footprint.

What is a battery?
A battery stores energy and converts it into electricity when needed. It helps absorb peaks and troughs in power demand, keeping the power grid more stable. From small batteries in electronic devices to large energy storage systems for businesses, batteries play a crucial role in energy supply. They ensure that electricity remains available even during fluctuations in energy demand, contributing to more reliable and sustainable energy management.
Who are batteries suitable for?

The best choice for battery optimisation
We maximise returns from battery storage with customised solutions specifically tailored to the Dutch market. Thanks to our 24/7 trading and analyst team, we exploit every opportunity in the short-term market. We develop strategies that take technical specifications and location into account for optimal returns. Detailed reports give you clear insight into earnings, payback periods and efficiency. In addition, our advanced IT solutions provide support in preventing congestion and capacity problems. Choose us and get the most out of your battery storage.
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