
In business energy supply, grid stability is very important. Curtailment plays a crucial role in stabilising the grid, especially during peak hours or when energy demand exceeds supply. For businesses that rely on renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, it is important to be able to respond flexibly to these fluctuations.
What is curtailment?
Curtailment is the process of temporarily reducing energy production from wind and solar farms, usually during periods of grid congestion or imbalance on the electricity grid. This measure is used to ensure grid stability and prevent grid overload. At EP NL, we understand the importance of grid management and offer business customers the opportunity to benefit from these processes, both financially and for a sustainable and reliable energy supply.

For whom is curtailment suitable?
Curtailment for your business
We offer tailor-made curtailment solutions that perfectly fit the needs of your business. We have extensive experience in implementing curtailment strategies for business customers and offer expert advice on how to save costs and optimise your energy management. Our focus is on helping companies contribute to grid stability, while ensuring reliable energy supply and clear financial benefits. Request a consultation and find out how EP NL can support you in curtailment for more efficient energy management.

Want to know more about us?
Contact us via our contact page or find out more about our company on the about us page.