Virtual Gas storage
With a Virtual Gas Storage, you have access to flexible gas storage and delivery, without having to trade directly on the energy market. This solution is ideal for power plants, CHP operators and large industrial consumers who want to respond quickly and efficiently to increasing market dynamics. Take advantage of our service to buy off imbalance risks, while taking full advantage of 24/7 access to physical gas resources and preparing for rising imbalance prices

What is virtual gas storage?
Our virtual gas storage service provides flexibility in the energy market through virtual gas delivery or storage, ideal for power plants, CHP operators, and industrial users seeking within daily or weekend flexibility without direct market trading. With the option to buy off imbalance risk, our service supports customers in a market with rising imbalance prices, where effective management requires access to various physical resources for 24/7 action.

Short-Term Storage: Salt caverns are used for rapid storage, ranging from one day to 20 days, and play a key role in balancing the energy market during peak hours. This allows companies to respond immediately to sudden changes in supply and demand.
Long-term Storage: Old gas fields in the northern Netherlands are used to store surpluses in summer and use them again in winter. Major sources include gas from small fields, LNG and Norwegian gas. This method offers strategic seasonal storage for companies.
Functioning of gas storage
Physical gas storage is complementary to line-pack. The Dutch gas network has a certain transport capacity. As this capacity is not always used to its maximum, pressure variations mean that more or less gas can be stored in the network. This flexibility is continuously utilised by the collective of Dutch gas transporters (Shippers), with Gasunie indicating safe limits. Exceeding such limits results in imbalance costs, with having gas storage a means of avoiding such costs. Current insights show that transport utilisation will decrease in the coming years, but incidental loads and then imbalance costs will increase.

Partner for virtual gas storage
We understand the challenges of today’s energy market. Our virtual gas storage offers a unique solution for companies seeking flexibility and security in their energy management. With our years of experience, innovative solutions and proven reliability, we help your business cut costs and mitigate risks, while providing access to a network of physical gas storage resources.
Want to know more about us?
Contact us via our contact page or find out more about our company on the about us page.